Hanjo Hamann / Publications


Selection of six academic writings, grouped by subject, sorted from newest to oldest.
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6 … The Fabric of Language and Law. Special Issue of the International Journal of Language & Law
Freiburg i.Br.: JLL publishers (2017), 109 pp., jointly with Friedemann Vogel … ISBN: 2194-7414 (Online-ISSN) Law and language can be described as complex institutions with emergent properties, like intricate fabrics woven from single-colored fibers. This metaphor suggests to think of legal language in terms of “patterns”: Recurrent motifs in the fabric that the individual language user may not (and in most cases cannot) be aware of, though they explain the development of language more coherently than any narrative based on a priori rules. This perspective corresponds with the recent trend towards computer linguistics using “text as data”. To discuss how these approaches might impact research on the language of law, the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities hosted the first international conference on “The Fabric of Language and Law” from the perspective of legal corpus linguistics. This eponymous special issue of the International Journal of Language & Law (JLL) collates selected papers presented at this meeting in March 2016.

5 … Behavioral Second-Order Strategies. Exploiting Market Myopia and Agent Delegation in Economic Decision-Making
Raspberry: SciPress publishers (2016), 112 pp. … ISBN: 978-3-00-051495-1

4 … Zeitgeistreiches. Scherz und Ernst in der Juristenzeitung: Glossen aus sechzig Jahren
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck publishers (2015), 207 pp., jointly with Martin Idler … ISBN: 978-3-16-154251-0

3 … Evidenzbasierte Jurisprudenz. Methoden empirischer Forschung und ihr Erkenntniswert für das Recht am Beispiel des Gesellschaftsrechts
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck publishers (2014), 414 pp. … DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-159731-2

2 … Juristische Kuriositäten II. Über Tiere, Menschen und ihre Missverständnisse
München: GRIN publishers (2010), 36 pp. … ISBN: 978-3-640-53191-2

1 … Die Behandlung des cash pooling vor und nach dem MoMiG. Alte und neue Probleme bei der Anfechtung aufsteigender Darlehen nach § 135 InsO
Hamburg: Igel RWS publishers (2008), 44 pp. … ISBN: 978-3-95485-161-4