Hanjo Hamann / Publications


Selection of 17 academic writings, grouped by subject, sorted from newest to oldest.
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17 … Property, Psyche, and the Theory of Tenancy. Independent and Interdependent Lease Law Covenants Through the Lens of Cultural Psychology
9 Texas A&M Journal of Property Law 223–262 (2023) … DOI: 10.37419/JPL.V9.I2.1

16 … Is Every Law for Everyone? Assessing Access to National Legislation through Official Legal Databases around the World
43 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 298–321 (2023), jointly with Andreas Pacher … DOI: 10.1093/ojls/gqac032

15 … Sharing the Recipe. Reproducibility and Replicability in Research Across Disciplines
8 Research Ideas and Outcomes 1–20 (e89980/2022), jointly with Rima-Maria Rahal, Hilmar Brohmer, Florian Pethig … DOI: 10.3897/rio.8.e89980

14 … Scopus/Scimago: Useless for Studying Legal Research!. An Empirical Assessment of Misclassification Rates in a Popular Scientometric Data Source
Rechts|Empirie. Legal Empirics in Europe (2022/7/25), jointly with Lill Emmelheinz … DOI: 10.25527/re.2022.02

13 … On getting it right by being wrong. A case study of how flawed research may become self-fulfilling at last
119 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1–4 (e2122274119/2022) … DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2122274119

12 … Court Decisions: 99 % Uncharted Deep Sea? Mapping the Blind Spot of Digital Legal Studies over Half a Century (1971-2019)
Rechts|Empirie. Legal Empirics in Europe (2022/1/5) … DOI: 10.25527/re.2022.01

11 … The German Federal Courts Dataset 1950–2019. From Paper Archives to Linked Open Data
16 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 671–688 (2019) … DOI: 10.1111/jels.12230

10 … Seven Years of Language & Law. Editors’ Progress Report on the Journal of the International Language & Law Association
8 International Journal of Language & Law 1–8 (2019), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … DOI: 10.14762/jll.2019.001

9 … Computer-Assisted Legal Linguistics. Corpus Analysis as a New Tool for Legal Studies
43 Law & Social Inquiry 1340–1363 (2018), jointly with Friedemann Vogel / Isabelle Gauer … DOI: 10.1111/lsi.12305

8 … Evidence-Based Jurisprudence meets Legal Linguistics. Unlikely Blends Made in Germany
43 Brigham Young University Law Review 1473–1501 (2018), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … ISSN: 0360-151X

7 … The Fabric of Language and Law. Special Issue of the International Journal of Language & Law
Freiburg i.Br.: JLL publishers (2017), 109 pp., jointly with Friedemann Vogel … ISBN: 2194-7414 (Online-ISSN)

6 … Open Access in German Legal Academia. Challenges and Perspectives
Blog Droit Européen (2017/10/25)

5 … The Fabric of Language and Law. Towards an International Research Network for Computer Assisted Legal Linguistics (CAL²)
6 International Journal of Language & Law 101–109 (2017), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … DOI: 10.14762/jll.2017.101

4 … The Hog Cycle of Law Professors. An Econometric Time Series Analysis of the Entry-level Job Market in Legal Academia
11 PLoS ONE 1–22 (e0159815 & e0168041/2016), jointly with Christoph Engel … DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159815

3 … “Begin at the beginning”. Lawyers and Linguists Together in Wonderland
3 The Winnower 1–9 (4919/2016), jointly with Friedemann Vogel / Dieter Stein / Andreas Abegg / Łucja Biel / Lawrence M. Solan … DOI: 10.15200/winn.148184.43176

2 … Student Participation in Legal Education in Germany and Europe
10 German Law Journal 1095–1112 (2009), jointly with Lisa Rieder … DOI: 10.1017/S2071832200001498 In Germany, the possibilities of students to participate in and contribute to legal education are generally quite limited. Compared to the legal education systems in the USA and Canada, the course of studies is rather theoretical and quite anonymous. Communication between students, faculty staff and deans is rare, and classes are fairly big. As to the abstractness of the curriculum, several changes have been made to improve the situation. For example, a reform in 2003 was supposed to increase foreign language competence and provide for more specialization and practical relevance. However, the system can still (or again) be considered to be “under construction”. Many important skills are not being taught, and the awareness of the international, social and cultural contexts is largely neglected or lacking reference to the subject matter. There is an ongoing debate about further changes to the legal educational systems especially about the adoption of the Bologna Process. While some consider it inapplicable to the German system, others have already started transferring it at their university. Several federal states have meanwhile started endorsing a basic reform. However the next rulings will not be until 2011. Presently scholars, policy-makers in the field of education and economists face the challenge of devising strategies for legal education that meet the needs and interests of all ”stakeholders” while being compatible with the traditional German system. Students are curious and concerned about the future of their curriculum. Their means of participation include a) passively evaluating teachings, b) actively engaging in a student parliament or self-governed student councils of a special field (so-called Fachschaften) and c) actively involving in student organizations.

1 … The Importance of Intercultural Competence in the Development of Successful International Businesses
Social Science Research Network (2004/8/1) … DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2486647