Hanjo Hamann / Publications


Selection of 25 academic writings, grouped by subject, sorted from newest to oldest.
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25 … Artificial Intelligence and the Law of Machine-Readability. A Review of Human-to-Machine Communication Protocols and their (In)Compatibility with Article 4(3) of the Copyright DSM Directive
15 Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law forthcoming (2024) … ISSN: 2190-3387

24 … Property, Psyche, and the Theory of Tenancy. Independent and Interdependent Lease Law Covenants Through the Lens of Cultural Psychology
9 Texas A&M Journal of Property Law 223–262 (2023) … DOI: 10.37419/JPL.V9.I2.1

23 … Is Every Law for Everyone? Assessing Access to National Legislation through Official Legal Databases around the World
43 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 298–321 (2023), jointly with Andreas Pacher … DOI: 10.1093/ojls/gqac032

22 … Sharing the Recipe. Reproducibility and Replicability in Research Across Disciplines
8 Research Ideas and Outcomes 1–20 (e89980/2022), jointly with Rima-Maria Rahal, Hilmar Brohmer, Florian Pethig … DOI: 10.3897/rio.8.e89980

21 … Scopus/Scimago: Useless for Studying Legal Research!. An Empirical Assessment of Misclassification Rates in a Popular Scientometric Data Source
Rechts|Empirie. Legal Empirics in Europe (2022/7/25), jointly with Lill Emmelheinz … DOI: 10.25527/re.2022.02

20 … K Is for Contract―Why Is It, Though? A K’s Study on the Origins, Persistence and Propagation of Legal Konventions
106 Minnesota Law Review (Headnotes) 362–390 (2022)

19 … On getting it right by being wrong. A case study of how flawed research may become self-fulfilling at last
119 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1–4 (e2122274119/2022) … DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2122274119

18 … Court Decisions: 99 % Uncharted Deep Sea? Mapping the Blind Spot of Digital Legal Studies over Half a Century (1971-2019)
Rechts|Empirie. Legal Empirics in Europe (2022/1/5) … DOI: 10.25527/re.2022.01

17 … Rent, Reduction, and Reason. An Incentivized Vignette Survey on the Economic Value of Lease Law Remedies
Stanford Law School, Crown Law Library (2020/5/28)

16 … The German Federal Courts Dataset 1950–2019. From Paper Archives to Linked Open Data
16 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 671–688 (2019) … DOI: 10.1111/jels.12230

15 … Seven Years of Language & Law. Editors’ Progress Report on the Journal of the International Language & Law Association
8 International Journal of Language & Law 1–8 (2019), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … DOI: 10.14762/jll.2019.001

14 … Group Identity in Intermediated Interactions. Lessons from a Trust Game with Delegation in South Africa
in Experimental Economics and Culture 227–264 (Gunnthorsdottir/Norton ed., 2018), jointly with Nicky Nicholls … DOI: 10.1108/S0193-230620180000020008

13 … Computer-Assisted Legal Linguistics. Corpus Analysis as a New Tool for Legal Studies
43 Law & Social Inquiry 1340–1363 (2018), jointly with Friedemann Vogel / Isabelle Gauer … DOI: 10.1111/lsi.12305

12 … Evidence-Based Jurisprudence meets Legal Linguistics. Unlikely Blends Made in Germany
43 Brigham Young University Law Review 1473–1501 (2018), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … ISSN: 0360-151X

11 … The Fabric of Language and Law. Special Issue of the International Journal of Language & Law
Freiburg i.Br.: JLL publishers (2017), 109 pp., jointly with Friedemann Vogel … ISBN: 2194-7414 (Online-ISSN)

10 … Open Access in German Legal Academia. Challenges and Perspectives
Blog Droit Européen (2017/10/25)

9 … The Fabric of Language and Law. Towards an International Research Network for Computer Assisted Legal Linguistics (CAL²)
6 International Journal of Language & Law 101–109 (2017), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … DOI: 10.14762/jll.2017.101

8 … Computer Assisted Legal Linguistics (CAL²)
in Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2016: The Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference 195–198 (Bex/Villata ed., 2016), jointly with Friedemann Vogel / Isabelle Gauer … DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-726-9-195

7 … The Hog Cycle of Law Professors. An Econometric Time Series Analysis of the Entry-level Job Market in Legal Academia
11 PLoS ONE 1–22 (e0159815 & e0168041/2016), jointly with Christoph Engel … DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159815

6 … “Begin at the beginning”. Lawyers and Linguists Together in Wonderland
3 The Winnower 1–9 (4919/2016), jointly with Friedemann Vogel / Dieter Stein / Andreas Abegg / Łucja Biel / Lawrence M. Solan … DOI: 10.15200/winn.148184.43176

5 … Cui Bono, Benefit Corporation? An Experiment Inspired by Social Enterprise Legislation in Germany and the US
11 Review of Law & Economics 79–110 (2015), jointly with Sven Fischer / Sebastian J. Goerg … DOI: 10.1515/rle-2014-0036

4 … Bovigus. Revisiting a Legal Discovery
52 Journal of Irreproducible Results 29–31 (4/2014) … ISSN: 0022-2038

3 … Unpacking the Board. A Comparative and Empirical Perspective on Groups in Corporate Decision-Making
11 Berkeley Business Law Journal 1–54 (2014) … DOI: 10.15779/Z38GC6H

2 … Student Participation in Legal Education in Germany and Europe
10 German Law Journal 1095–1112 (2009), jointly with Lisa Rieder … DOI: 10.1017/S2071832200001498

1 … The Importance of Intercultural Competence in the Development of Successful International Businesses
Social Science Research Network (2004/8/1) … DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2486647