Hanjo Hamann / Publications


Selection of 21 academic writings, grouped by subject, sorted from newest to oldest.
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21 … Evidenz, Empirie und Data Science in der Rechtswissenschaft. Ein „Scoping Review“ zur Taxonomie quantitativer Rechtsforschung
in Digitalisierung des Rechts forthcoming (Wörner/Wilhelmi/Glöckner/Breuer/Behrendt ed., 2024) … ISBN: 978-3-11134-334-1

20 … Artificial Intelligence and the Law of Machine-Readability. A Review of Human-to-Machine Communication Protocols and their (In)Compatibility with Article 4(3) of the Copyright DSM Directive
15 Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law forthcoming (2024) … ISSN: 2190-3387

19 … Empirische Rechtsforschung in Deutschland. Einblicke von Hanjo Hamann (Interview)
6 REthinking: Law 4–8 (4/2023) … ISSN: 2625-686X

18 … Property, Psyche, and the Theory of Tenancy. Independent and Interdependent Lease Law Covenants Through the Lens of Cultural Psychology
9 Texas A&M Journal of Property Law 223–262 (2023) … DOI: 10.37419/JPL.V9.I2.1

17 … Scopus/Scimago: Useless for Studying Legal Research!. An Empirical Assessment of Misclassification Rates in a Popular Scientometric Data Source
Rechts|Empirie. Legal Empirics in Europe (2022/7/25), jointly with Lill Emmelheinz … DOI: 10.25527/re.2022.02

16 … K Is for Contract―Why Is It, Though? A K’s Study on the Origins, Persistence and Propagation of Legal Konventions
106 Minnesota Law Review (Headnotes) 362–390 (2022)

15 … Der freie Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Information. Rechtswissenschaft
Informationsportal open-access.net (2021/7/1), jointly with Daniel Hürlimann

14 … Rent, Reduction, and Reason. An Incentivized Vignette Survey on the Economic Value of Lease Law Remedies
Stanford Law School, Crown Law Library (2020/5/28)

13 … Seven Years of Language & Law. Editors’ Progress Report on the Journal of the International Language & Law Association
8 International Journal of Language & Law 1–8 (2019), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … DOI: 10.14762/jll.2019.001

12 … Computer-Assisted Legal Linguistics. Corpus Analysis as a New Tool for Legal Studies
43 Law & Social Inquiry 1340–1363 (2018), jointly with Friedemann Vogel / Isabelle Gauer … DOI: 10.1111/lsi.12305

11 … 70 Jahre Marginalien des deutschen Staatsrechts. Nachschau auf ein vergessenes Kapitel der Nachkriegspublizistik
143 Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts 282–311 (2018) … DOI: 10.1628/aoer-2018-0022

10 … Evidence-Based Jurisprudence meets Legal Linguistics. Unlikely Blends Made in Germany
43 Brigham Young University Law Review 1473–1501 (2018), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … ISSN: 0360-151X

9 … The Fabric of Language and Law. Special Issue of the International Journal of Language & Law
Freiburg i.Br.: JLL publishers (2017), 109 pp., jointly with Friedemann Vogel … ISBN: 2194-7414 (Online-ISSN)

8 … The Fabric of Language and Law. Towards an International Research Network for Computer Assisted Legal Linguistics (CAL²)
6 International Journal of Language & Law 101–109 (2017), jointly with Friedemann Vogel … DOI: 10.14762/jll.2017.101

7 … Text, Kontext und Textualismus in der juristischen Methodenlehre. Frank Easterbrook neu gelesen und übersetzt
in Recht ist kein Text. Studien zur Sprachlosigkeit im verfassten Rechtsstaat 135–150 (Vogel ed., 2017) … DOI: 10.3790/978-3-428-55247-4

6 … Offene Wissenschaft. Wie kann sich Freies Wissen weiter entwickeln? (Interview)
Wikimedia Deutschland Blog (2017/6/28)

5 … Cui Bono, Benefit Corporation? An Experiment Inspired by Social Enterprise Legislation in Germany and the US
11 Review of Law & Economics 79–110 (2015), jointly with Sven Fischer / Sebastian J. Goerg … DOI: 10.1515/rle-2014-0036

4 … Evidenzbasierte Jurisprudenz. Methoden empirischer Forschung und ihr Erkenntniswert für das Recht am Beispiel des Gesellschaftsrechts
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck publishers (2014), 414 pp. … DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-159731-2

3 … Unpacking the Board. A Comparative and Empirical Perspective on Groups in Corporate Decision-Making
11 Berkeley Business Law Journal 1–54 (2014) … DOI: 10.15779/Z38GC6H

2 … Student Participation in Legal Education in Germany and Europe
10 German Law Journal 1095–1112 (2009), jointly with Lisa Rieder … DOI: 10.1017/S2071832200001498

1 … Kurioses im Paragrafendschungel. Interview
62 Neue Juristische Wochenschrift XIV–XVI (9/2009) … ISSN: 0341-1915